아래의 소스를 head 안에 삽입하세요.
<script language="JavaScript1.2">

//date in title by Randall Smith copyright 1999
//Permission given to Dynamicdrive.com to feature it in it's DHTML archive
//Script modified by Dynamicdrive.com to make it cross browser friendly. Visit Dynamicdrive.com for more DHTML scripts
//please visit me on the web at http://members.xoom.com/u4rstunzd/
//when it gets to the year 2000 you'll need to change the 19 to 20 if not when it's the year 2000
//it will show the year as 1900 to change it see where it says 19"+Year+" just change the 19 to 20
//and to change the title:where it says Welcome todays date is: just put you own text in if you would like to--
var isnMonth = new
var isnDay = new
today = new Date () ;
if (Year < 1000)
if (document.all)
document.title="Welcome. today\'s date is: "+isnDay[today.getDay()]+", "+isnMonth[today.getMonth()]+" "+Date+", "+Year+""
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자