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WinTasks Process Library

In the recesses of your computer, 20-30 invisible processes run silently in the background. Some hog system resources, turning your PC into a sluggish computer. Worse yet, other useless processes harbour spyware and Trojans - violating your privacy and giving hackers free reign on your computer. WinTasks Process Library is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know the exact purpose of every single process. The categories available online are:

Top Security Risks Listed in the WinTasks Process Library

 Top Security Risks  
1.exe actalert.exe adm4005.exe
a.exe aq3hel~1.exe arupld32.exe
asm.exe asmonitor.exe backweb.exe
bargains.exe basfipm.exe belt.exe
bmupdate.exe bpk.exe cdaengine0500
cds.exe cfmon.exe check.exe
cmesys.exe cmrss.exe conime.exe
crss.exe crsss.exe csrrs.exe
ctfmon32.exe dcomcfg.exe ddcman.exe
desktop.exe dfrgsrv.exe dinst.exe
dlhost.exe dssagent.exe dw.exe
exec.exe exp.exe explore.exe
explorere.exe fc.exe fservice.exe
gmt.exe gui.exe ibm00001.exe
iexplorer.exe install.exe inst.exe
isamini.exe isamonitor.exe isass.exe
istsvc.exe kernel32.exe keygen.exe
lass.exe license_manager.exe lockx.exe
logon.exe lsas.exe lsass32.exe
lssas.exe ma.exe matcli.exe
mediagateway.exe mfc71.dll microsoft.exe
mm.exe mrtstub.exe msbb.exe
msblast.exe msmgs.exe msmsg.exe
mspmspv.exe mssearchnet.exe mtask.exe
mwsoemon.exe nail.exe navapp.exe
netmon.exe netsurf.exe netsvc.exe
nls.exe nsvsvc.exe ntosa32.exe
nvcpl.exe nvsc32.exe optimize.exe
p2p networking.exe p2pnetworking.exe picsvr.exe
pmmnt.exe pmmon.exe pmsngr.exe
pmsnrr.exe poker.exe powerreg
powerreg scheduler.exe pro.exe resetservice.exe
rk.exe rlvknlg.exe rundl32.exe
sacc.exe sais.exe sass.exe
scchost.exe schedulingagent scrss.exe
scvhost.exe senslogn.exe servic.exe
shmgrate.exe sms.exe smsss.exe
soproc.exe spollsv.exe spooler.exe
spool.exe spools.exe spoolsrv.exe
spoolsvc.exe sqlserver.exe sr.exe
sservice.exe ssk.exe start.exe
susp.exe svch0st.exe svchosts.exe
svchot.exe svhost.exe svshost.exe
sychost.exe system32.exe sysupd.exe
taskbar.exe taskmon.exe tbon.exe
tbps.exe tool.exe updater.exe
updmgr.exe vsnpstd2.exe wauclt.exe
wdfmrg.exe wfdmgr.exe whagent.exe
whsurvey.exe win32.exe
winctlad.exe winlogin.exe winmain.exe
winnt.exe winotify.dll winshost.exe
winstall.exe winsys2.exe winsys.exe
winupdate.exe winupdates.exe wsys.exe
wtoolsa.exe wupdt.exe xhrmy.exe

Recommended: Scan Your System for Errors Now
Avoid frequent error mesasges, slow start-ups and poor system performance by running a free system scan today.

Other Process Categories:
- Top System Processes
- Top Security Risks
- Top Applications
- Other Processes ( A to Z )

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